Articles on: Asset Platform for Admin

How to update multiple slides and keep their tagging and categorization intact?

One of SlideHub’s advantages is that it allows Managers to update multiple slides at the same time, instead of having to go through folders and find specific content to replace.

To update multiple slides, first download the slides you would like to updated directly from “Insert company Slides”.

Select the slides you would like to update and insert them to a PowerPoint file.

IMPORTANT: Download slides directly from SlideHub before updating, so the slides can be matched automatically when updating.

Make the adjustments and changes you see fit and save your document.

Now we will update them. Go to 'Manage Assets' in the PowerPoint Add-In.

Go to the library you downloaded the slides from and then go to the 'Update Multiple' tab.

Upload the new file you have saved and click on “next”. SlideHub will match the downloaded slides to the new ones automatically.

That’s it! Now click on “Update selected” and you will have the newest files available for your company.

If you need any assistance, don't hesitate to reach out to our Customer Support Team

Updated on: 12/06/2024

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